


Don't call me
Don't write
Don't show up in the middle of the night
You know that we needed some time and space to breathe in 
I still recall the words you said to me
It's what you did not say that sets me free
Now how can I find peace of mind when you keep coming back again?
It's not okay for you to play this game of seesaw with my head
Now it hurts too much
And it hits too hard
And I won't play this part 
So now I say the things I want to say
Sometimes it's better letting go this way
I'll always know
Down in my soul
We really had so far to go
I've given all I had to give
And now it's time for me to live
And I won't look back
And I won't regret
Though it hurts like hell
Someday I will forget 
It's funny how we seem to end up here
I never thought I'd see this soul disappear
Dulu T'Juwee pernah nulis bagian yang ditebelin itu di pojok atas dinding Sekret pas habis sertijab dan bikin gw bertanya-tanya itu gimana nulisnya.

Betapa mudahnya Allah membolak-balikkan hati manusia
Dulu T' Ontjom pernah nulis ini di buchat CCK 2002 tentang jabatan-jabatan.

Lucu juga gimana sekarang dalam konteks yang sama sekali berbeda, yang gw inget justru kalimat-kalimat itu. Mungkin emang ada tempat yang akan selalu jadi tempat pulang yang paling bikin ngerasa pulang di antara semua tempat pulang *hyak, ribet..* atau ya sesederhana insight emang lintas kondisi aja. Hmm tapi pilihan pertama rasanya lebih hangat ya jadi gw pilih yang pertama aja deh *semau lu lah Ne* haha..

Sama kayak T' Juwee yang ga nulis bagian "Someday I will forget" di dinding Sekret, gw juga ga pengen lupa. Soalnya ya masa udah pernah seneng-seneng lalala trus dilupain aja gitu? Mending buat stok bahan Patronus kali :D

Terima kasih :)

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Header Image from Bangbouh @ Flickr