

As a brass player in a marching band..

“Your biggest challenge isn’t someone else. It’s the ache in your lungs, the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells “can’t”. But you don’t listen.You push harder, you hear the voice that whispers “can”. And you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are."

..I soooo can relate to that :D



Setelah lama banget ga ngeblog di sini, gw tadinya berniat mau nulis banyak malem ini. Apa daya, ngantuk meraja *alesan*. Ga deng, ada kejadian-kejadian yang bikin dorongan buat nulisnya nguap. Salah satu kejadian sampe bikin gw agak nyesek dan mesti nyampah ke orang dulu biar bisa tidur dengan tenang (gw paling ga mau tidur dengan bawa perasaan ga enak). Makasih buat Ira sama Emi, gw udah bisa ketawa-ketawa dan ga nyesek lagi. Udah tenang mau tidur.

Pas gw mau off, sepeti biasa gw nyelesein baca reading list di Google Reader.
..dan gw nemu ini.
“The reality is that we all go through our lives meeting, falling in love with, caring about, and then having to part from many, many different people —childhood friends, high school sweethearts, teachers, work colleagues, etc. In our darker moments, we may wonder about the value of those relationships, since they were transitory and ended up not lasting. Were they ‘real’? If so, why didn’t they last?

"Indeed, the exquisitely melancholy truth is that the act of letting someone go is often the most loving thing one person can do for another."
Ahuy banget dah buat menutup hari ini.
Gw jadi tenang banget lagi, ketenangan dan keyakinan yang sama kayak yang gw punya sejak Rabu/Kamis minggu lalu sampe tadi siang. Sore-malem tadi boleh lah gw goyah dikit, tapi yuk ah sekarang yakin lagi :)

ps: Hey you, thank you :)